that you will take
the time to give a donation,
A blog showcasing a large selection of registered charities. CHARITY CHOICE (in Links) offers you a directory of charities. Select the charity of your choice and make a donation, an enquiry, enter/take part in events, become a supporter or sponsor - direct with the charity.
SPORTS RELIEF - run, walk, dance or whatever makes you move - Sports Relief helps change lives.
Get a headstart and order your free Fundraising pack now for RED NOSE DAY and MACMILLAN coffee morning.
VIRGIN LONDON MARATHON - entrance details for all the major marathons in the UK and abroad! Use the link also for disabled children.
SAVE THE CHILDREN for donations to the Rohingya Crisis Appeal, the Yemen crisis and other crisis areas.
VISIT INDIVIDUAL LINK SITES OPPOSITE FOR EXCITING AND WORTHWHILE FUNDRAISING EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR and for details on how to become a volunteer, supporter, organiser or simply to make an online donation.